Nighty Night Forest

Cute bedtime story for kids

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App Info

  • Rating

    Rated for 3+

  • Release

    Nov 29, 2017

  • Last Update

    We have fixed some bugs and optimized the App. Enjoy!

  • Genre

    Books & Reference


"Nighty Night Forest" is the sequel to our popular bedtime apps "Nighty Night" and "Nighty Night Circus". More than 8 million parents around the world bring their children to bed with our good-night-apps. The third "Nighty Night" app is all about the forest and its adorable inhabitants. "Nighty Night Forest" is the perfect App for a daily go-to-sleep ritual with cute animals, sweet lullaby music and great narration. Children find themselves in a dreamy forest setting with 7 different animals, which they can bring to bed by switching off the lights. Each animal performs several funny and surprising moves and wants to show them off to the child before going to sleep. “Nighty Night Forest” is brought to you by the award winning artist Jeremy Kool, who puts a lot of passion and effort in creating stunning sceneries by combining 3d modelling and lighting with 2d illustrations and textures. Highlights: • Stunning designs and animations by Jeremy Kool • 7 interactive animals (Dear, skunk, woodpecker, chipmunk, mole, fox and bear) • Autoplay-mode • hidden surprises along the way • custom sound design and music • Perfect session length for a daily go-to-sleep ritual • 13 languages with narration: English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean • For kids aged 2 – 5 About Fox & Sheep: We are a Studio in Berlin and develop high quality apps for kids at the age of 2-8 years. We are parents ourselves and work passionately and with a lot of commitment on our products. We work with the best illustrators and animators around the world to create and present the best apps possible – to enrich the lives of our and your kids.


  • Theodore Bijan (H ss)

    I play the Nighty Night Forest with my nifeu nephew and he love it toooo much 5star for that. And I play this one first alone then with my 5years old nephew he enjoyed it really good time and he learn some subjects from game as well Soo good Soo far.I see woman talk bad about game and give a 1's low act of humanity is unbleavable .She must write a apologized in same review she wrote because what she talking about is about her phone 📱 have low aspects or old android, why blame on game.

  • Carl Staffordshire

    Crash fixed. Now all ok. Crash on samsung s22 ultra. I reported it via crash report. Will change if its fixed

  • Jon Brehm

    This app does not work anymore. I had it in an old phone,forgot about it for years, and my daughter remembered it so I downloaded it to my current phone. Samsung S22 Ultra. It shuts down at startup. My phone and everything is the latest version.

  • Christel

    So was working great, but within the last week, the app crashes when right after opening. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it, but that didn't fix the issue.

  • Will Phillips

    It's a real shame they have gone for a different style for the animals. My child only really likes the original Nighty Night animals, which are more real/cartoons rather than these stylised creatures most of which are unidentifiable. I think they should have stuck with what made the first one so good. Not worth £3.99 (compared to nighty night).

  • Maddy Jackson

    We love this app and the other two as well. My daughter is sad it's not working right now on my Samsung phone. I saw the company is working on a fix. We've upgraded all of the Nighty Night apps. Hopefully this will be back soon. - prost und vielen dank

  • A Google user

    Awesome. Puts my daughter to sleep 😴😴 every night 😴.I recommend spending the extra 2 dollars and buying all the animals. Great app. We have this Forest app. And also own the circus and original nighty night apps. All are great👍👍👍👍❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

  • Cori Iroc

    I really wish the auto play feature had the ability to be activated from the home screen instead of the credits screen

  • A Google user

    Very well made. My 4 year old loved it. Shame its so short and exactly the same every time, despite the order choice.

  • Tiffany Cunningham

    So much fun to sat good night to each Forrest Animal! I love how each one has different interests.

  • Kelli McGee

    Somehow the app keeps kicking me out, I don't know why it keeps doing that, can you try fixing the game somehow?


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